• Alert:

    We wanted to take the opportunity to re-share information about our Bus Driver recruiting incentive program in the link here: https://bit.ly/3UCXot4

    If you know of anyone who might be interested in becoming an integral part of PUSD as a driver, please encourage them to apply via the link here: https://paysonunified.tedk12.com/hire/ViewJob.aspx?JobID=332

    If you have any questions about the incentive program or would like to apply, please reach out to us, and we'll be happy to help!

    Thank you for all you do for PUSD!
    Chuck Savvy 928-472-5739
    Christine DeCarlo 928-472-5877

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Staff Profile

Timothy Chlupsa
Timothy Chlupsa
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Faculty - Julia Randall Elementary School

Mr. C has been on-air since 1978 from Hawaii to North Carolina. He has been teaching in Arizona since 2020 in 6th,7th and 3rd grade. The chance to make a difference in students' lives and foster the love of lifelong learning is most important to him. broadcasting, performing blues and rock as a musician and fly fishing with Mrs. C takes up his remaining time.